Relatvie Clause 10點~

2007-05-06 3:43 am
1.) The man is my neighbour . I was arguing with him ,
Ans : The man who I was arguing with is my neighbour .
The man I was arguing with who is my neighbour .

2.) The singers come from the Philippines . They sing very well
Ans : The singers who sing very well come from the Philippines .
The singers come from the Philippines who sing very well .

究竟何時要把relative clause 好像以上答案那樣放在前面呢.

回答 (3)

2007-05-06 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先你第一題既答案已經錯左,唔係 The man who I was arguing with is my neighbour .
應該係 The man whom I was arguing with is my neighbour .
我舉個例The man is my neighbour. He is a docyor.這句就可以用who
The man who is a doctor is my beighbour.因為句中冇提起其他人,所以唔洗同whom
至於The man I was arguing with who is my neighbour .這句點解唔得,係因為成句既重點係我同佢吵架,而唔係話佢係我鄰居,我地要將句子想講既重點放係前面,如果句子冇明確表示邊句係重點,就可以前後掉轉都冇所謂
第2題,同樣地,個句子既重點係佢地唱得好好聽,而唔係話佢地來自Philippines,有時要分清楚個main clause 係比較難,做多d練習,應該會有幫助

2007-05-07 21:33:13 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-05-06 4:01 am

第一句:the man => who;第二句:they (the singers) => who

呢個代名詞一定係放o係主句中同義o個個詞(主/受詞)之後。所以第一句係 The man who I was arguing with ;第二句係 The singers who sing very well 。根本唔能夠任你加插。總之,子句形容o既係邊個詞,就將子句放o係邊個詞後。

2007-05-05 20:12:31 補充:
2007-05-06 3:49 am
1.The man,who is my neighbour,arguing with him .
2.The singers who come from the Philippines,sing very well.
參考: me

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