英文、英文 thank you very much

2007-05-06 3:42 am

回答 (1)

2007-05-06 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Had known inside the church is called the Patrick namely 嘅 child, originally he by bb 嘅 time already returned to the church, 佢 good Zhong Yifan the Sunday school, everything can pray, with his short several point clock's conversation, sees him under Christ's leadership, the acceptor spouse, sees him to grow I at heart also to feel pleasant!
Father Chen explains religious doctrine some 啓 shows for me: The God gate already opened, but cares about you to be willing not to be willing to go to approach.
We can encounter many difficulties usually in the life, many setbacks, many disappointed, but I deeply believed that only has abuts Christ, all innate God arrangement.
The heavenly father, thanks you to let me have the opportunity in makes up removes knows Patrick, I hoped that will have in the future the opportunity to participate again makes up removes!

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