Can you check this,please!

2007-05-06 2:42 am
lf l were an Emperor punguin...

lf l were an Emperor punguin, l would pray God that to consider do not snowing in the winter, give me a fresh fish every single day and without the puffer fish. l would not tell myself how many calories in my food and enjoy eating and skinny-dipping until the moon disappear.


ln my simply life l would need two thing are: full and warm. lf l felt hungry, l would sith on the ice sofa, look at the fish swimming in the ocean there are many type on sale. lf l felt freezing, l would huddle together with my fat friends share the hot chocolatier.


lf l felt lonely, l would find my parter and have our baby. l do not know what would happen in my life but l definitely know people would be happy when they peek me on the T.V if l were an Emperor punguin.


lf l felt lonely, l would find my parter and have our baby. l do not know what would happen in my life but l definitely know people would be happy when they peek me on the T.V if l were an Emperor punguin.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Sorry, lt is the first time im in here l do not know how to post that.** I just learn english seriouly about 1 year could you tell me how is my english**


Please, tell me what wrong in it not just change ~~ THK~~

回答 (2)

2007-05-06 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If l were an Emperor penguin, l would pray to God to consider not snowing in the winters, giving me a fresh fish everyday but not a puffer so l would not have to tell myself how many calories there were in my food and I could enjoy eating and skinny-dipping until the moon sets.

With a simply life, the two things that counted the most were being well fed and warmth. If l felt hungry, l would sit on the ice sofa and look at the fish swimming in the ocean like they were being on sale. If l felt cold, l would huddle together with my fat friends sharing the hot chocolatier.

lf l felt lonely, l would find my parter and have a baby.
l would not know what would happen in my future but l would definitely know people would be happy when they saw me on the television if l were an Emperor penguin.

只係改左d 文法,整體黎講都幾好呀,本人英文麻麻,唔敢俾太多評語


2007-05-06 20:02:41 補充:
向神祈禱係pray to God唔係pray consider do not snowing呢度因為to consider係個phase既主verb,所以後面唔應該用do not snowing,應該就咁 not snowing...give me a fresh fish因為呢度係link返去之前to consider...果度,既然前面係not snowing咁呢度都應該係giving,唔係give

2007-05-06 20:07:33 補充:
l would need two thing are...呢度唔可以用2次主verb,你有need又有are,咁係唔得架,你可以或者寫做:I would need two things which are...咁就可以分做2個phase,每個phase有自己既主verb啦唔明你果度there are many type on sale既意思have our baby同have a baby既意思唔同,have a baby先係生小孩的意思回樓下:puffer係雞泡魚,puffin先係善知鳥

2007-05-06 20:11:33 補充:
l would huddle together with my fat friends share the hot chocolatier... 呢度都係,你前面用左would huddle,後面又用share咁係唔得架,所以我將share改為sharing,將個動作變做一種行動最尾果句唔明你咩意思,d人做乜要peek?我只係提及下主要既問題,果d小小既問題好難難得清楚,請睇睇我上面既correction啦唔明既請再問啦
2007-05-06 9:23 pm
If I were an emperor penguin.

I will pray for God not to snow in the winter and provide me with lots of fresh fish only, and none for the puffin. I will never remind myself how many calories in the diet. I will enjoy as much food as I want and skinny-dipping till the sun-rise.

Full tummy and the warmth will the be the only two things that I concern in this simple life.

If I am hungry, I can lean on the ice-sofa and see what is on sale in the ocean. If I am cold, I will cuddle with my fat buddies and share a cup of hot chocolate. If I feel lonely, I can find my soul mate and have some babies.

I may not know what will happened to me. However, I definitely know people enjoy seeing me on TV if and only if I am actually a penguin.

Your English is ok. Puffin is the sea bird, is that what you mean?

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