工作上使用的手冊,俗稱Hand Book,如何寫呢?有什么步驟呢?

2007-05-06 2:24 am
工作上使用的手冊,俗稱"Hand Book",如何寫呢?有什么步驟呢?

回答 (1)

2007-05-06 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, you have to define the nature of this workbook e.g instructional, for information, e,g, safety instructions, program handbook, staff handbook
Second, the purpose or objectives, coverages of subjects i.e. contents of the handbook
Third, the readers, their position, background
Fourth, the style of writing and I prefer more diagrammatic approach with highlights etc

The following web-site address may be helpful.

search the tables of contents on similar handbooks.


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