
2007-05-06 2:12 am
幫我譯左大細心佢 ...

回答 (3)

2007-05-06 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Big small heart (Alex fong)

You like that naturally trading moved only then call me infinite careful only to ask to cause you once to accompany me to be possible joyful until now to be the arrogant wish stop you to feel sad must to you tenderheartedly for you plan loved tenderly you never to think how the tired heaven gracious gift I could resentment all which the thing could dissipate lover can lose power I to have to self-examine perhaps was worth you being pleased makes sweetheart th to make you happy not to attend to any clearly to like you not being possible to make a mistake like makes you have not not properly point sincere admits mistakes can be called me even more to feel better for you sadly did not calculate any once budgot the beast slaughtered for sacrifice to be more if haggled over the success and failure causes and effects weren't I have you in the bosom which Once exactly wrong certainly did not have greatly volunteers I so long as loved must like the very far no longer hidden bitterness presenting me to recompense your wish with frankly not to get out of trouble to you
2007-05-06 3:08 am
Alex Fong - A man with a small and big heart
2007-05-06 2:18 am

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