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首先回答咗你搶心架車係邊度造嘅問題先啦. 國際版嘅Ford Focus (非美國版)係有喺德國同南非做. 南非做嘅Focus 主要係運去澳洲. 所以香港嘅Focus 極大可能係德國造嘅. 要100%確認其實好簡單. 喺架車嘅擋風玻璃底部會有一細行由17個number 同字母組成嘅車輛辨認碼(Vehicle Identification Code, or VIN), 而頭三個character 係車廠同地方嘅code. 如果係德國造, 就應該係SN至ST行頭, 或者W行頭; 如果係南非就係AA~AH 行頭; 美國就"1", 日本就"J".
Ford Focus 2.0 係咪好車就見仁見智. 不過我出trip 租車開過就幾好. 呢架車係用Ford 嘅Global Shared Technology 開發嘅C1 Platform, Volvo S40, V50, C70同Mazda3都係共用底盤. 我開過Mazda3同S40, 三架車開起上嚟都唔同feel, 但係都覺得架車個底盤幾硬淨. Mazda3仲幾好劈! (Ford Focus is not too far behind, with better ride quality, 都係睇番每間車廠點tune 套suspension). 架車應該幾安全, 至於小毛病我覺得就唔會好多, 因為架車好齋吓, 要搵D嘢壞都比較難 :) 二手價就唔好提喇.
我唔係長期喺香港所以唔知Ford Focus 2.0 係邊副engine, I believe it's using the 2.0 Duratec engine. 一般用都好夠. 起部頭段同freeway 中段起圍過慢車都好爽. 高轉會"lup"D, 但幾可踩高轉吖.
因為你呢個post 係問Focus, 所以就唔suggest 其它options 啦. 不過你自己消化吓啦. Post 得上聊天室之類嘅人都可能biased and opinionated D. If you asked for other options in another post I will reply there.
Conclusion: Is it the best car? Not really, and it depends on what your "need" and "want" are. Is it worth $170,000? Same thing. Is it a good car for daily driving? Definitely. Is this the best car for you? Possibly.
Hope it helps and good luck!
2007-05-06 00:34:58 補充:
If you can't find the VIN at the bottom of the windshield, try the sticker/labels around the doors and in the engine compartment. If you found the numbers/alphabets other than listed above, let me know and I can find the origin for you.
參考: 有400,000km 以上駕駛經驗, 自己維修汽車, 砌車.