Financial Auditing: CA, CPA, CFA

2007-05-05 11:03 pm

Questions about Accounting Qualifications:
Can anyone tell me what the diff. is b/w CA and CPA? Are they the same? What about CFA?

Also, if I want to go into Financial Auditing (advisory/consultancy), which of the three would be better?

What would it take to get into the Big-4 companies?

Thank you so much for your help!!! =)

回答 (3)

2007-05-05 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
CA & CPA are basically the same, the only difference is which association you take your professional exam. In Hong Kong, if you take your exam with HKICPA, you will get the CPA title

CFA stands for Chartered Financial Analyst

CA & CPA relates to Accounting, while CFA relates to Finance

If you want to do Financial Auditing, you can either do CA or CPA. Both can get you into any of the Big 4.
2007-05-06 2:24 am
絶對認同樓上所言,不只是big 4,一般普通會計師樓的account & audit 工作壓力都很大,時間很趕,workload很多(最慘是啲嘢是一啲都唔可以錯,錯就人頭落地,永不翻身),唔係嗰嗰頂得順,要好好諗吓。
2007-05-05 11:48 pm
要入financial auditing呢一行去由junior做起, 其實最初係唔洗任何accounting qualification, 甚至唔係major in accountancy都得, 以我所知, 有d人係大學時係major in law, chemistry, civil engineering 等等Big-4 都請佢地, 所以Big-4 或其他audit firm請唔請你好睇你係interview時既表現.....但當然, 佢地之後要比其他人更加勤力去追番d accounting 知識啦...


Big-4 audit firm, 佢地差不多請既都係degree holder, 呢個可以話係最基本條件

順帶一句提外話, 唔係想嚇你, 要入audit呢一行, 尤其係Big-4, 真係要諗清楚, 因為真係真係好辛苦.....係, 前途好似好好咁, 但係你要付出好多代價架....值唔值得真係見仁見智
參考: 自己己從Big-4 audit firm 「逃」出來

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