LCCI English for Buisness 是什麼?

2007-05-05 9:15 pm
我想在香港商業專科學校報讀LCCI English for Business Level 2,請大家給予我一些意見,好嗎?

(1) LCCI English for Business (Level 2) 考試內容是什麼?
(2) 如果我一開始報考Level 2,而又未曾讀過Level 1,是否不容易呢?(I'm u grad)
(3) 此考試認受性高不高呢?

Thank you very much ~

回答 (1)

2007-05-05 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whether LCC & I certificates are recognized by companies or not? Please go to below website.

LCCI 係咩黎?

If you want to get more information about the examination, you could buy past paper from your school i.e. School of commerce or enter to 英國倫敦工商會香港辦事處 for searching the course information

If you think that your english ability has reached to Level 2, you could directly take Level 2 examination. Anyway, I suggest you to buy the past examintation for tesing your ability before making any decision.

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