
2007-05-05 9:10 pm


PLEASE HELP....關系到我入唔入到U......


回答 (3)

2007-05-19 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
括號之內係 material.

1 Footing (concrete, reinforcing steel)
2 Shear Wall (concrete, reinforcing steel)
3 Superstructure (concrete, reinforcing steel / structural steel)
4 Exterior wall (glass, stucco, brick, wood, precast panel, concrete, blocks)
5 Interior wall (reinforced concete, wood panel, gysum board, dry wall, glass, blocks)
6 Pluming (pvc pipe, cast iron pipe, concrete pipe, aluminum pipe, fibreglass pipe, water tank, pumping unit)
7 Roofing (asphalt, metal cladding, fibreglass, glass, reinforced concrete, wood panel, solar panel)
8 Electrical and Mechanical(copper wire, conduit, communication cable, air-conditioning unit, heating unit, air-exchange unit, transformer, elevator)
9 Road (reinforced concrete, asphalt, wiremesh)
10 Interior decoration (paint, cement, stucco, wood, wallpaper, glass, sound proofing material, light fixture, fan)
11 Miscellaneous Itms (door, door knob, metal handles, carpet, ceramic tiles, windows, curtains)

如要講詳細幾日都講唔哂, 只係比少少idea你, 有問題比依貓我, 希望幫到你入U
參考: 日日都係對住呢啲嘢, 駛唔駛講埋點起橋呀?
2007-05-08 7:45 am
The common construction material in Hong Kong is reinforced concrete (鋼筋混凝土). More than 90% of the buildings in Hong Kong are made of it.
The next common material is structural steel. The strength of steel is much higher than reinforced concrete but it is much expensive.
2007-05-07 11:29 pm
1) Wood

2) Reinforced Concrete

3) Steel

4) Bruck

5) Curtain Wall ....

It is a very very big topic ... you should do some research by yourself! If you really want to study that Uni ... cann't depend on this media ...

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