english book presentation(10markks)

2007-05-05 8:40 pm
我係f.2既....遲d要做過english book presentation,,即係要一個用尼present既
book report( 1min) .....大家有咩提議??

回答 (1)

2007-05-05 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Catcher In The Rye
Author : J.D Salinger


1.)Allie Caulfield.
Allie was Holden's brother two years his junior, who died of leukemia when Holden was thirteen. Allie was mild, considerate, intelligent, and very caring. Allie and Holden were very close. The night of Allie's passing, Holden smashed all the windows in the family garage with his bare fists leading to permanent damage to his hand.

2.)Phoebe Caulfield.
Phoebe is Holden's little sister, whom Holden adores. She is in the fourth grade at the time Holden leaves Pencey Prep. Holden holds her as a paragon of innocence, and gets furious at the sight of graffiti in her school that reads "Fuck you", for fear that she'd try and find out what it meant.

3.)D.B. Caulfield.
D.B. is Holden's older brother and lives in Hollywood. There he works as a writer. He also writes plots for films; and Holden thinks that's like prostituting himself. Nevertheless throughout the book Holden describes in depth movies he has seen.

B.)The Plot
The novel opens with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old boy from New York City, telling the story of three days in his life. The whole narrative is a coming to terms with the past, since Holden tells it from a psychiatric institution. It is the adult world that has driven him insane. He just cannot relate to anyone except for his kid sister Phoebe. Everything and all other people seem "phony" to him. Holden is unable to accept life. Since Holden is becoming an adult himself, he is unhappy with what he will represent. He flunks out of three boarding schools in a row, the latest of them Pencey Prep, which is also where the first part of the story takes place.

He then leaves to meet his former teacher, Mr. Antolini. They have a good talk, but Holden leaves in a hurry when he thinks his host makes a sexual advance on him. He spends the night in a train station, then runs around town. Finally, he meets his sister, who tells him she wants to run away with him and that she will never go back to school. Holden sees himself in her, finally changes his mind and decides to go back to his parents. We are able to conclude that Holden then is sent to a mental hospital for treatment.

C.)My Perspectives On This Novel

1.)Loss of Innocence -
Holden did not want children to grow up because he felt that adults are corrupt. This is seen when Holden tries to erase naughty words from the walls of the elementary school, that his sister Phoebe attended. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. This leads to Holden's dream to being the catcher in the rye, which relates to a poem where the catcher prevents small children from falling off a cliff.

2.)Rebellion From Society
- Holden throughout the whole novel, differs from society which results in his rebellious nature. Holden does not have any friends and cannot keep relationships. This is because he finds and exaggerates any negative aspect of all the people he knows or meets. This can be seen when Holden cannot keep his relationship with his girlfriend Sally. Holden also rebels because he feels that all adults are phonies. Holden believes that these phonies are people who try to be something that they are not. Usually the mark of a phony is the desire for material goods. This is because people usually want these possessions in order to impress others and become something they are not. This is why Holden can only connect with his younger sister Phoebe. On the other hand his older brother D.B. is a prime example of a phony. This is because D.B. was a writer, who became a playwright in order to gain more public recognition.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 18:34:51
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