為什麼香港女子多數是飛機場, 很少大波女子 ?

2007-05-05 10:51 am
為什麼香港女子多數是飛機場, 很少大波女子 ?
大陸剛剛相反, 就有很多大波女子 !

鬼妹不算數, Sorry ! .

回答 (6)

2007-05-05 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港女仔肥少少,骨瘦如柴,100磅都無都話肥,好細個就話要減肥,又點會有肉生喺個胸度? 何況個胸大都喺脂肪,連少少多餘脂肪都話要減,又邊會有波? 當然波平如鏡啦!
2007-05-05 2:48 pm
I would say it is because of Evolution, as you can see 鬼妹 have bigger chests, but also they have more hair.
2007-05-05 11:18 am
2007-05-05 11:17 am
香港是中國的南方, 以真正廣東省的女性來說, 先天是身材是平均些, 加上吃的東西也少吃番薯或木瓜或飲奶, 勞動也少, 吃東西多, 當然腰圍也大些.
實際你在大陸看的多是北方女性, 她們本人先天身材是豐滿高大, 加上多吃番薯或飲奶, 勞動也多, 吃東西反不多(看看工廠妹吃多少飯), 當然腰圍較細, 看起來便上身大了.
2007-05-05 11:12 am
I think it is because of the problem of hormone. For example, all the girls in this world have the genes to have the breast development, but this hormone secretion is affected by the environment factors, like temperature, lifestyle. In HK, girls are more stressed and may be somehow, (or poorer air quality, or more artifical food/ chemical) impaired secretion of the hormone. I am now living in Germany and most of the girls here have bigger breast, as they are relative less stress or work here plus good air quality. I hope my guess is true. ^^
2007-05-05 11:07 am

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