究竟你想點??? 幫我譯英文a

2007-05-05 10:28 am

唔該a!! thx~

回答 (4)

2007-05-05 10:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
what do u want 其實好chingish,我o係美國咁耐未聽過有人咁講....


What do you want from me?
What's the matter with you?
What is with you?

What do you want 係真係問人要d乜野,而唔係問究竟你想點...
參考: I live in US
2007-05-05 11:51 am
1) What are you thinking about?
2) What do you want?
3) What wrong with you?
2007-05-05 10:33 am
what do you want囉
2007-05-05 10:32 am
what do you want?

2007-05-11 00:57:30 補充:
it depends on how that guy feel, "what do u want from me?" is one step from explode. i dont think 究竟你想點 is coming to that point

2007-05-21 22:00:12 補充:
but people in the movie did rage and said to the annoying person "what do u want?"
參考: myself

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