Is jew or hebrew a skin color. Sorry I have to ask this stupid question but I've been challenged folks.?

2007-05-05 5:16 am
the answer is NO. Neither one are colors of the skin ladies and gentlemen.

回答 (13)

2007-05-05 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
no, it's a religion.
why would you answer your own question?
why dont' you just get a blog?
or a diary?
2007-05-05 12:20 pm
was it a dare to post that question? if it was, i'd say you didn't actually meet the conditions of the dare by adding how stupid you thought they whole thing was
2007-05-05 3:16 pm
You got some interesting responses to this question so far...and by interesting I mean retarded

You can think of Jews and Judaism as a religion, culture, and/or ethnicity....but Jews can be any race...most are Caucasian - and for those not familiar with the real definition of "Caucasian", it refers to ppl originating from Europe (from the Atlantic to the Ural Mountains) to North Africa to Western Arabia....Caucasian doesn't mean white skinned person

I am 1/2 Jewish by background, and the Jewish side (mom's side-Polish and Austrian) look and act more like an Anglo white person than my dad's side of the family who are from Sicily
2007-05-05 12:29 pm
No what about the idea that the whole earth population is the tweve tribes of Israel and the gentiles are the non-believers. God has a rainbow over his head and what if the colors of his rainbow are the colors of our skins we have as different races. ya need to read robert m on yahoo 360.
2007-05-05 12:26 pm
no it's not a skin color, it's a religion/heritage. some jewish people say they're race is jew and not caucasian. idk however you wanna call it i guess. most are still really white ppl
2007-05-05 12:32 pm
Being Jewish is a religion, but most Jews are not Caucasian. However, they may be light skinned. But they are also dark Jews of other races.
2007-05-05 12:20 pm
Jewish is a race of people and also a religion.

Hebrew is a nationality, not a colour or skin colour.
2007-05-05 12:19 pm
No. That answer is the same as your answer. Hopefully that means I'm the best answer?

Judaism is a religion, Jewish is a race. Jew can be either, and both. Can you be a religious Jew without being a Jew ethnically? I don't know - I don't think so (you have to be part Jewish I think).
2007-05-05 12:20 pm
a jew is a light brown skin
2007-05-05 12:19 pm
I beg to differ because REAL Jews are not white!

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