is the morning star and the and the sun of the morning one in the same?

2007-05-05 1:31 am
one is jesus the other is satan his brother

回答 (7)

2007-05-05 2:02 am
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Actually if you look carefully in Scriptures, you may see that morning star may have been a state of being rather than a person or position.

Revelations 2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
28 And I will give him the morning star.

Revelations 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, [and] the bright and morning star.

Isaiah 14:12 ¶ How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Lucifer can also be translated as bright one or burning brightly. Some translators translate it as "morning star" but then that would make the rest of the verse repetitious. Why render it "morning star, son of the morning"?

This could be perplexing unless you cansider that the angels are called by some as "the sons of God". If Satan was the serpent, then it may well be that Satan can be called "son of the morning" as he was in the Garden of Eden shortly after the Earth was formed. He may have had a position of teaching Adam and Eve how to keep the garden, as many other religions seem to worship the serpent as a "bringer of knowledge" hence the "light bearer".

Unfortunately, his pride got the better of him and he fell, and told Eve that she could break God's Word, and here we are today.

The morning star may be reference to a radiance, much like Moses had when he had finished talking with God. Christ in essence is saying in Revelations that He is that radiance, or perhaps the source of it. He is saying in Revelations 2 that anyone that abides with him, who stands by His works, will also be given that radiance.
參考: The King James Bible
2007-05-05 3:18 am
The morning star is known as the planet Venus within it's and earth's cycle of rotation,etc. Sun of the Morning, I believe is a song. As far as Jesus and satan being brothers I would have to say no. Jesus is the son of man and the son of god. satan was a an angel. Humans and Angels are not related other than the fact that we are all connected.
2007-05-05 3:17 am
The Morning Star is Lucifer .

Expose on new age
... million years ago from the planet Venus, which became known by one of his names, 'The Morning Star'. At some point Maitreya (now in a physical body) will allow Lucifer to inhabit him, when all are 'freed from the unreasoning fear' of this name - hence ... ........ lucifer oh morning star

After Christ the Shinning and Glory

Yeshua defeat lucifer and became

The Morning Star
參考: Many Alice Bailey The War of Hebrews
2007-05-05 2:43 am
The morning/evening star that you see in the sky is Venus. They are one and the same, yes. In mythology it was called "Lucifer". This was Lucifer the romance god, Lucifer was never in the bible. The name lucifer was used rather than satan in Isiaiah (sp?) because the Catholic church was trying to demonize paganism by calling the gods of Rome "satan".

The bible itself calls Jesus a morning star and satan a morning star. Perhaps in Hebrew Mythology or Semetic Mythology, a Morning star/evening star were important somehow. I mean, if they are one and the same, perhaps they are symbolizing "evil and good" and "death and life", 2 sides of the same coin. Which when you think about this, then think about how jesus and satan are referred to in the bible... its brilliant.
2007-05-05 1:38 am
The morning star is Venus and Sun in the Morning is a Irving Berlin song.
2007-05-05 1:33 am
2007-05-05 1:33 am

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