Does this new Boot's brand from England sell good black eyeliner?

2007-05-04 8:29 pm

回答 (2)

2007-05-04 8:43 pm
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I don't use eyeliner... but the quality of Boot's products in general is average I suppose.

I mean, you can't compare Boot's cosmetics to those from brand names like Lancome, L'Oreal, ROC, Shiseido, Kose, etc.

Anyway, Boot's isn't a "new brand". It's been around for ages, it's on every high street where I live, probably 80% of all drug stores in Edinburgh are Boot's. Where do you live?

Boot's here is just your average drug store selling mass-market type cosmetic products, household stuff, generic drugs, and prescriptions behind the counter. Just like CVS or Long's or Rite-Aid in the US, Watson's in Hong Kong, the ubiquitous Apteka i Drogeria at street corners in Poland, etc.

So if Boot's are trying to market themselves where you live as some foreign upmarket brand, they're pretty much lying bastards like all big businesses.
2007-05-05 3:33 am
Are you in America? Boots have the No7 range which is quite good - as is Rimmell.

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