Do you consider flying safe now?

2007-05-04 3:19 pm
A lot of people have been afraid to fly... are you afraid of it now? Do you consider flying safer than driving, trains, buses, etc.? How often do you fly? And do you find the safeguards to be inconvenient and aggaravating? Why or why not?

Also: what do you put in your carry on bag so that you feel safe and happy?

回答 (30)

2007-05-04 4:22 pm
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I'm not afraid of flying and have never been. Of course it's not completely safe, but I'm not paranoid about the 0.001% chance that I might just be an unlucky one.

I've been flying a lot this year. Hong Kong to London (2 round trips), Taipei to Hong Kong (2), San Francisco to London (1), London to Amsterdam to Tokyo (1), London to Rome (1). Combination of pleasure travel, necessary travel, and emergency travel. And unfortunately, I take a different airline each time so I don't really get any mileage or rewards for it -_-

I don't think about whether flying is safter than other modes of transport. When travelling domestic (within the UK), I prefer trains. That's because trains are more convenient and comfortable. Not necessarily cheaper though.

The safeguards are inconvenient and aggravating for short-distance travel, which is why I prefer trains for such. For long-distance travel, however, I'm pretty much used to them. If the safeguards were actually effective, I'd be in favour of them. But I don't know whether they are. (If the news is anything to go by, they seem to work better in the UK than in the US.)

I put my laptop and £$¥ in my hand baggage.
2007-05-04 3:22 pm
Ive always considered flying to be safe. I never ever worry about a plane crashing or something like a terrorist attack happening. Flying is extremely safe and it really is a rare thing when something happens. Even when it does happen, the crew and pilots are exceptional in making sure that flyers are taken care of and that the plane is safely landed at another airport.

I'm more worried about actually getting my luggage once my plane lands. I'm paranoid that I wont be able to find my bag, that someone took my bag, or that my bag went to another state.
2007-05-05 1:31 am
I am a pilot as well as a frequent passenger. I consider like many others, flying the safest way to travel.

I don't complain if TSA takes an extra 3 minutes to make sure that everyone boarding a plane is boarding it for the right reasons. It's all part of being safe and there's no reason to get aggravated about it. If you don't want to miss your flight, SHOW UP EARLY!
2007-05-04 3:31 pm
Flying is still the safest form of mass transit travel. Certainally safer than driving on the highways. And remember, any landing you can walk away from is a good one.
2007-05-04 3:27 pm
Flying is statistically the safest way to fly. There is only a very small chance that anything will go wrong. And even it did, all pilots are trained professionals who can always do something. I don't fly that much due to the cost, but I would fly on all my trips if I could. The safeguards do take a while to get through, and they are annoying, but they do help us in the end. After all the safety features, it is almost impossible for a terrorist to be able to do anything, so the only problem could be mechanical, which is extremely unlikely. I just put things like a laptop or something to do on the trip. The problem of lost luggage is very real, so I never put anything very valuable in my large luggage, but it is still more likely to go smoothly than not.
In conclusion, flying is great if you are traveling long distances, but for short (in state) trips, driving is more economical and safer for your luggage.
2007-05-04 3:25 pm
Much safer than driving. They let anyone drive a car!
2007-05-04 3:23 pm
not particularly, I do believe that flying is probably one of the safest and fastest modes of transport. I usually fly about 5-6 times a year. The safe gaurds are annoying but i think this has more to do with airports not being prepared for the changes. I take my ipod and/or laptop
2007-05-04 3:21 pm
Safer than driving a car.
2016-04-01 8:11 pm
I consider flying very safe ! I enjoy it because i like to travel, I also like to get to where I am going in a short amount of time.
2007-05-05 1:45 pm
Depends on who is flying it .. Joke. Today I feel aircraft
are very very safe. I personally feel safer than on a freeway
All safeguards are put there for very very sound reasons.
average once a week. on commercial aircraft carry on only
or less than what they require .You can receive most
personal items from flight attendant ( food Drink etc.)
private aircraft lots food ,munchies ,sandwiches hoagies.
soda, water ..Obviously I am interested in food.. whatever.
2007-05-05 1:41 am
Base on statistics, its safer than vehicles on the ground. However, just one accident of the plane is enough to kill many lives.
2007-05-05 12:23 am
According to past 15 years till now, statistics show that flying has been the safeties way to travel.
Well as an average, i fly every month twice, ( most of my flights are domestic ).
Besides the safeguards, i don't think it can not be better, at least for now...
2007-05-04 8:47 pm
Sure. It is safer than a car. The new safe guards like extra metal detectors, taking your shoes off are a pain in the *** but Im still glad they do it.

You get 1 major plane crashes every year or 2 and a usually less than 200 people die out of hundreds of millions of people flying. You never get odds that good on a car.
2007-05-04 6:07 pm
I do believe flying is safe now since 9/11 with tighter securities, I especially long haul is safer because the more experienced pilots will be in command of the jumbo jets and the B777/A340 series aircrafts
2007-05-04 5:09 pm
it is definitely safe to fly, always has been. You are much more likely to die in a car accident than a plane accident. I don't carry anyting to feel "safe' in my carry on bag

I do not travel as much as i would like to
2007-05-04 3:54 pm
There was a time when...

Smoking was good,
Sex was safe,
And flying was dangerous...
2007-05-04 3:44 pm
I've never had a problem with flying. I think it's safe.
2007-05-04 3:40 pm
Flying is definitely safer than driving. Last week I was run off the road by a semi tractor trailer and it flipped my vehicle. I'd much rather been standing in line in security at the airport.

What you have to realize is that as Americans in general we do not fear our safety every moment of every day like in so many other countries. If you are concerned about terrorism on planes that's something that has "worked" for them, but I think we are closed minded to think that is the only thing up their sleeve. We as Americans need to be observant where ever we are for unusual activity. Just because a scenerio hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't.

I know that the security and TSA can be a bit annoying and rough sometimes. Not being able to take my perfum and makeup on board sticks, but I'd rather be annoyed than injured.

As far as the plane's safety...I know that even if there is the slightest dent or scratch in the paint maintainence must be called out to check if it's damaged the integrity of the equipment.

Furthermore, please do not get onboard a plane drunk off your butt. Don't smoke in the bathroom even while parked at the gate. I definitely recommend not screaming and shouting about your seat assignment to the gate agents or the flight attendants. They can deny you boarding and you endanger the whole flight by causing a scene and if anyone does mean you harm, you certainly are a great distraction for them.

My carry on? Pillow, travel books, a snack, gum
2007-05-04 3:31 pm
The first time I flew I was terrified. Im not scared of flying anymore. I think it is safe. of course there is always a chance that something could go wrong but the chances are greater that you will get into a car crash. The secerity measures dont bother me. I would rather that they be thorough. i have had my bags searched more then once. I usually just carry stuff to do in my carry on. Magazines, crossword puzzles, music player, etc.
2007-05-04 3:31 pm
I don't know that I was ever afraid to fly... It comes down to I can't afford to fly. Flying is still safer overall than driving. I fly maybe once every 2 years. Some of the "safeguards" are just ridiculous. My personal one is when the security checkpoint requires the removal of shoes so they can be x-rayed with your carry-on.

My carry-on usually has stuff I don't want getting broken, and a book to read.
2007-05-04 3:29 pm
well first of all they say that a airplane crash is a one possibility on 2 millions........but they do happen.......air plan accidents do happen. the most awful thing is that if one plane crashes it take a lot of life. I was never afraid of flying and i do fly like 10 times per year...Planes in my opinion are more safe then another transportation way. I don't find the safeguard neither inconvenient nor aggravating.....without any reason.
I don't put anything special in my carry bag i just feel safe.....And beside that till now I've been in 3 car accidents but i never was involved in a plane accident :) lucky me ......So it depends on how do u feel abt flying and of course the company that u;re flying with.
2007-05-04 3:28 pm
I dont consider it 100 % safe, because crashes happen, not often but it happens. OF course it can happen with every transport vehicle.
2007-05-04 3:25 pm
jpurcell has it nailed.

Think about this
count total # of airport
Count 1 take off one landing each 1 to 1.5 minutes.
ther are in excess of 4500 flights in the air just in the US. X number of people on those flights.
Completely safe, I fly a lot and I have never been in a crash.....LOL
2007-05-04 3:24 pm
love the air,i think in the air or on the ground anything could gaurds make me feel comfortable,i put a picture of my loved ones that always makes me happy
2007-05-04 3:24 pm
I fly once or twice a month. It's safer than driving, and saves me tons of time.
The only reason the safeguards are annoying is because people don't bother following them, or looking on line to see what they can/can't take on the plane. Therre's nothing worse than some foolish person in front of me with a carry-on bag full of cosmetics and lotions and shampoos that don't meet the requirement.
I carry my ipod and noise-reducing headphones. The headphones eliminate the engine noise, so I don't get worried everytime the tone of the engine changes.. it also helps cut down on annoying talkers and crying baby sounds!
2007-05-04 3:22 pm
i just fly and always get **** from the security .my name alone is crime i think ,my bags r searcehd upsider down,and treated like crap ,as if i am a criminal untril proven otherwise,respectable people get a lot of harrassement now ,so its worse
2007-05-04 3:21 pm
I think it's safe.
2007-05-04 3:21 pm
ya but annoying
2007-05-04 3:22 pm
i have never flown, and probably never will. I don't think it is safe.
2007-05-04 3:22 pm
My brother is a pilot -- has been for years. If you knew the shoddy materials they used in planes (cheapest bids, you know) you would never get on a plane again.

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