
2007-05-05 7:04 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-05 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Other than those above, here's some more:

palatial (magnificent)
pale (white colour)
parallel (for lines)
paramount (superior in power)
partial (not complete)
particular (special)
passionate (showing passion)
passive (not offering active)
pathetic (sad, pitiful)
pawky (sly)
peaceable (free from fighting)
peculiar (exclusively)
penal (connected with punishmment)
pending (waiting to be decided)
pendent (hanging)
penetrable (can be penetrated)
pensive (deep sorrow in thought)
periodic (appearing at regular intervals)
perpetual (going on for a long time)
personal (private)
perspicuous (expressed clearly)
persuasive (convincing)
petite (small, slender)
pettish (a person with repeated ill-temper)
petty (unimportant)
phonetic (connected with sounds of human speech)
physical (of material, things)
pictorial (having in pictures)
piddling (insignificant)
pied (mixed of colours)
pitiful (feeling pity)
placid (not easily irritated, calm)
plain (easy to understand)
playful (in a mood of play, not serious)
pliable (easily bent of influenced)
plump (fat in a pleasant -looking way)
plural (more than one)
pointless (with little or no sense)
politic (acting wisely)
poorly (unwell)
porcine (like a pig)
posh (smart, first class)
positive (sure, definite)
potable (fit to drink)
practical (concerned with practice)
precocious (having developed earlier than is normal)
present (being in the place)
presto (quickly)
prevalent (seen everywhere, popular)
prima (first)
primary ( leading in time)
prime (chief, first, most important)
primitive (of an early stage)
prior to (earlier in time or order)
probable (most likely to happen)
productive (fertile)
profound (deep)
profuse (abundant)
prominent (standing out)
prompt (without delay)
prone (face downward)
proof (give protection)
propoer (fitting, suitable)
prophetic (having a prophecy)
prosaic (dull)
protective (givign protection)
proud (showing pride)
provident (providing for future)
pungent (sharp, stingy smell)
putrid (become rotten)
2007-05-05 7:13 am
perfect {美好xd}
patent {專利的}
pathetic {可憐的}
patient {有耐心的}
patriarchal {家長的}
patrimonial {祖傳的}
peaceful {和平的}

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