
2007-05-05 3:59 am

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2007-05-09 12:42 am
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係Fantasie Impromptu in C# minor Op.66

he Fantasie-Impromptu (Op. 66)is the most famous works of Chopin --- especially nowadays in Asian countries, with Yundi's famous (some said infamous) recordings. However, please bear in mind that both of these works were not published during Chopin's life time. Chopin was quite careful when selecting works to be published; and both of this works were ordered by him (numerous times) to be destroyed after his death. His good friend, Fontana, chose 22 of these "disqualified" works and published them as Op. 66 to Op. 74. The Fantasie-Impromptu was then published as Op. 66. While these works show many characters of Chopin --- the Fantasie-Impromptu was written when Chopin was 25 --- they don't quite measured up to works that Chopin chose to publish..Fantasie-Impromptu is a beautiful and romantic piece of music, lacks complexity and poetry found in other Nocturnes; and when they were first published years after Chopin's death, people actually couldn't recognize the Nocturne as a work of Chopin.

On the other hand, these works are extremely valuable as they provide traces of Chopin's growth as a composer.

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