How to use the formula of Vlook in excel?

2007-05-05 12:01 am
TOP URGENT -For example: there are 2 sheet one is "A" & another one is "B". A sheet included column A-A/C code, column B-name, column C-amount in HKD. row 1 to 10 is A co. row 11 to 25 is B co. row 26-33 is c co. Actually B sheet is a summary, column A-A/C code, column B-name, for column C s/b the total amount of "A" sheet's column C. How can I use the formula of Vlook in excel? you may answer the question in Chinese.

回答 (1)

2007-05-05 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Vlookup 是不會加數, 你的情況, 如只有一個準則, 應用Sumif
但你的題目是有兩個準則(a/c code & name), 便要用sumproduct
在 SheetB 的C2 輸入公式:

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