is that correct in grammer?

2007-05-04 10:50 pm
I would like to talk about our disadvantages. The first point is we only had the first aid but nothing in it. When the participants got hurt, we did not have any plaster and bandage provide to our participants. After that, we had pool risk management. Because of this, we did not have a place to change when we were playing the game without permission. Next time, we will prepare more about back up because we had this experience. Finally, we can enrich our risk management after the event.

回答 (2)

2007-05-05 4:00 pm
I would like to talk about areas where we could have done better. Firstly, we brought an empty first aid box. When the participants were injured, we could not provide any practical means of first aid to them. Secondly, the management was poor. We did not have an alternate venue to choose from when we were banned from playing the game at that place. From this, we learned that we should have a back up plan for the next time. Nonetheless, we have enriched our experience in risk management from the event.

our disadvantages係指”我地既缺點”,但係你想講既係個event有咩做得唔好,唔係你地人格上既缺點嘛

have a place to change,嗯,我諗have an alternate venue to choose from會好d


left the first aid box empty是指有意地把急救箱抽空/丟空(直譯:由得個急救箱丟空),但係我諗原意係指帶了個空的急救箱吧
2007-05-04 11:10 pm
It should be: I would like to talk to you about the disadvantages. The first point is that we only had the first aid but nothing in it. When the participants got hurt, we did not have plaster and bandage to provide to them. Also, we had pool risk management afterwards. Because of this, we did not have a place to change when we were playing the game without permission. Next time, we will prepare more about back up because we had this experiment. Finally, we can enrich our risk management after the event. Thank you!
參考: me

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