is that grammer right ?

2007-05-04 10:41 pm
we are not right to have chosen that place to run the game. We saw the game is very attractive to participant and they extremely enjoy the game, so we are not to cancel the game and then we really run out many times. We also saw participants are very impatient to wait for us to find out a suitable place and we do not want participants feel bad because they do not play the game.

回答 (2)

2007-05-04 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It should be: we are not right to choose that place to run the game. We saw the game very attractive to participant and they enjoy the game very much, so we will not cancel the game and we really run out mant times. We also saw participants waiting impatiently for us to find out a suitable place and we do not want participants to feel bad because they do not play the game.
參考: me
2007-05-05 3:12 pm



We made a mistake for choosing that place where we run the game. We could tell the game was popular since the participants were enjoying it very much. In response to that, we did not put a halt to the game until it finished even though we were running out of time. Nevertheless, we also noticed how impatient the participants were. They waited for us to look for a suitable place in order to run the game. Failing to do so would mean they would not get to play the game and we did not want to disappoint them.



最尾個短句:we do not want participants feel bad because they do not play the game. 你既意思係:”我地唔想parts覺得唔開心因為佢地冇玩隻game”…但係我諗你意思係:”我地唔想parts因為冇玩隻game而唔開心” 吧?並唔係 因為”佢地冇玩”,所以你地就”唔想…”,換句說話黎講,以你果句短句意思:如果佢地有玩,咁你地就唔理佢地開唔開心,唔知你明唔明我既意思


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