grammer: a little, a few, plenty of

2007-05-04 10:22 pm
A Few 少,數到的名詞用
~ A few eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s) on the tablet.
~ A few packets(量詞一定要加s) of eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s)
~ There are(動詞一定是沒有s或雙數) a few packets(量詞一定要加s) of eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s)

A Little少,數不到的名詞用
~ A little water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass.

回答 (2)

2007-05-04 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案

grammer: a little, a few, plenty of
A Few 少,數到的名詞用
~ A few eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s) on the tablet.
~ A few packets(量詞一定要加s) of eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s)
~ There are(動詞一定是沒有s或雙數) a few packets(量詞一定要加s) of eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s)

A Little少,數不到的名詞用
~ A little water(數不到的名詞一定無s) in this glass.

~ A few cups(量詞一定要加s) of milk (數不到的名詞一定無s)
~ There are(動詞一定是有s或單數) a few cups(量詞一定要加s) of milk (數不到的名詞一定無s).
補充時間:2007-05-04 14:23:01

Plenty of = a lot of 多
~There are(動詞一定是沒有s或雙數) plenty of eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s) on the tablet.
~ There are(動詞一定是沒有s或雙數) plenty packets(量詞一定要加s) of eggs (數到的名詞一定要加s) on the tablet.
補充時間:2007-05-04 14:23:13

~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty of milk(數不到的名詞一定無s).
~There is(動詞一定是有s或單數) plenty cups(量詞一定要加s) of milk(數不到的名詞一定無s).
補充時間:2007-05-04 14:23:21

Is this note correct ot not?
補充時間:2007-05-04 14:23:44
參考: me
2007-06-12 11:16 pm
plenty of and a lot of 分唔到!

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