Life & medical insurance (Kids)

2007-05-04 10:19 pm
I am seeking for hospital insurance for my kid, and the agent provided a plan with life insurance protention linked to hospital insurance. In my second thoughts, i am asking why i need to buy life insurance for my kid. Life protection for a small kid?

As i am also want to increase my life insurance protection, i am think why not swap the budget on the life insurance of my kid to life insurance of myself. Pls advise if my idea is correct.

回答 (6)

2007-05-05 1:23 am
✔ 最佳答案




1. 沒有一般保險牌(General insurance)

2. 高佣金

3. 公司無彈性

2007-05-08 4:24 am
Usually the reason why people add life portion to your kids' plan is that they want the life portion (includes saving) to accumulate dividend so that the plan run by itself later on (premium offset). advantage, your kid doesn't need to pay for the plan his/her whole life.

Whether it's good or not depends on how you want the plan. if you have budget for both, of course, it's ideal to buy life insurance for yourself and also your kids. if the budget is good for just either you or your kids to have life insurance, then of course, yours would be more important - because to protect your kids, it's best to protect yourself first, 'cos if some bad happens to you, their living would be affected.

If you need further info, please email me.

Teresa (Manulife)
2007-05-06 12:12 pm
There are many explanations that why your agent introduced such a plan for your kid. However, you can make your own choice.
There is no best product in the world but the most suitable one at the time.
If you are not convinced with the selling idea from your agent, get another proposal from somewhere else.
Demand and supply of a specific product always go hand in hand. The product proposed to you is to provide a means to ease your mind. The adequacy of amount of cover for a kid depends on the kid's family environment and the thought of the policyowner.
In HK, you are perfectly free to buy independent policy to cover medical expenses but market practice is telling you that such policy is not available to kids as a stand alone policy. However, you can add the kid as one of the insured members on your own or family medical policy.
Again, it is not a question of correct or wrong for swapping the budget but a matter of choice or preference.
I have served my clients over 33 years in this industry. They made their own choices for good and awared of the risks that they are facing and its burden. If you are still in the mist of not knowing how to make a decision. email to me.

2007-05-06 04:15:03 補充:
abd is a typing mistake. it should be and

2007-05-06 04:16:28 補充:
abd is a typing mistake. it should be and
參考: my own professional practice abd see my bio
2007-05-05 8:26 pm
Here is my point of view.

In fact, if your kid is around 5 years old, the cost of insurance (COI) will be the least in his/her life, and then it goes up when he/she grows up.
The advantage of making a whole life plan with a hospital insurance rider is that the COI will be lower when compared with a single hospital insurance, and some other benefit can be added, such as critical illness protection and accidental protection (with medical reimbursement), which are also in a lower COI. It is a good habit for you to buy an insurance for your kid when they are young. It is useful in both protection and saving. Of course, the coverage is not necessary to be too high. From my experience, around 30,000 USD of life coverage is ok.

And, some insurance companies have individual hospital insurance for you to choose. There is no "limited choice" for you.

Also, there may be a need to increase your life protection, but it needs to be confirm after further financial analysis. I wonder if your insurance agent has done it with you when your lovely kid was borned.

If you have any enquiries, please don't hesitate to email me.
I'm Syous, a Financial Plannar from AIA.
email: [email protected]
2007-05-05 11:59 am

小朋友死亡率很低 (在香港,非洲就相反)

平過一般的壽險 40~70% 保費 (相同保額)
參考: 財富管理論壇(討論區)
2007-05-05 3:33 am
you kid medical plan need to link with a life insurance because there are some company can not provide an independent medical plan so if their client want to buy any kind of protection , all the plan must be a life plan with the protection raider

in fact kid didnot need any life protection unless the life plan with saving thay can accumulate the wealth for the usage of education for kid

if you have the limitation of budget and want to increase your life protection
it is a good way to swap the budget of your kid life plan to do so

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