do you know emergency division of hospittal will issue sick

2007-05-04 6:17 pm
do you know emergency division of hospittal will issue sick leave cert or not

I apply half day sick leave, but normal clinic has full already, can I go to emergency division to see doctor in order tp get a sick leave cert, I am pian in my stomach.

回答 (1)

2007-05-04 6:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you got stomache and feel much painful, I recommend you to attend private clinic or your family doctor. It is because attend A&E department under HA will be wait at least over 2 hours, also depends on where u attended.

2007-05-04 10:28:26 補充:
all A&E department will be give full day sick leave cert.
參考: me

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