Burgers (but not ‘Food’)

2007-05-04 5:40 pm
Burgers (but not ‘Food’)即係乜?

回答 (4)

2007-05-04 8:36 pm
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burger n. (C) 只得一個解釋...
英文:meat or other food pressed into a round, flat shape and fried

eg. a spicy burger 香辣的餅
2007-05-05 11:10 am
Burgers 係得一個解釋 , 係food

如果你講緊gei係 賊人 gei意思, 應該係 burglars
2007-05-04 8:45 pm
Burger is not healthy food, most people view it as junk food/just junk, so there is some saying about burger is not a type of food!
2007-05-04 5:44 pm
is it thief? i think it is......
參考: me

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