
2007-05-04 5:37 pm

回答 (5)

2007-05-04 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
O = operator / C - caller

O: Good morning, (company name), (operator's name) speaking, how may I help you?
- 早, xx公司, 我係xx, 我可以怎樣幫您?

C: Good monring. I would like to speak to Mr. A please.
- 早, 我想找A先生

O: Certainly. Let me put you through. Thanks for calling and have a nice day!
- 好啊, 等我幫你轉線. 多謝您的來電, 祝您有好的一天!

O = operator / C - caller

O: Good morning, (company name), (operator's name) speaking, how may I help you?
- 早, xx公司, 我係xx, 我可以怎樣幫您?

C: Good monring. I would like to speak to Mr. A please.
- 早, 我想找A先生

O: I am sorry. He is on the line right now. Would you like to hold? Or shall I ask him to call you back?
- 不好意思, 他正在講電話. 您想等一下嗎? 或是我請他回電給您?

C: Oh, please ask him to call me back.
- 啊, 請叫他回電給我吧

O: Certainly. May I have you name and phone number please?
- 好啊, 可以給我您的名字和電話號碼嗎?

C: My name is B, and my phone number is XXXX-XXXX.
- 我叫B, 電話號碼是xxxx-xxxx.

O: Mr B, I will ask Mr A to call you back as soon as possible. Thanks for calling and have a nice day!
- B先生, 我會請A先生盡快回電給您.多謝您的來電, 祝您有好的一天!

如果Mr A 是在外地公幹:
O: Mr A is on a business trip. He is due back next Monday. Mr C is his assistant. May I put you through?
- A先生在外公幹. 下星期一才回來. C先生是他的助手, 我轉給他接聽好嗎?

O: Who would you like to speak to?

希望幫到你 ^^
參考: me
2007-05-04 6:04 pm
- Good morning/afternoon, this is ABC Company, can I help you?
- (Can I talk to Mr Wong Tai Man?)
- Sure, please hold on a second.
- Mr Wong is not in the office at the moment, can I take a message?
- Mr Wong is not available at the moment, can I take a message?
- Mr Wong is out for lunch, can I take a message?
- Mr Wong is at a meeting at the moment, can I take a message?
- Mr Wong is on a business trip and will come back next week, do you want to leave a message?
- (Please tell Mr Wong .........)
- Yes sir, I will make sure Mr Wong gets the message when he comes back. Thanks for calling.
- (Thank you very much)
- It's my pleasure.
2007-05-04 5:57 pm
usually when you pick up the phone :
" XXXX Company, this is XXX (your name), how may I help you?"

ask who do they want to talk to:
"who do you want to talk to?"

if the person they want to reach is not on the phone:
"he/ she is not here right now, do you want to call back later?"
"he/ she is not here right now, can i take a message?"

if the person they want to call just step out, or go to washroom:
"he/ she just stepped out from the office... do you want to call back later/ can i take a message?
參考: i am working as a receptionist in the office
2007-05-04 5:42 pm
接線生的英文為:operator / telephone operator

Who do you want to speak to?
2007-05-04 5:40 pm

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