翻譯!中- 英

2007-05-04 9:00 am
衛生署數字顯示,學童肥胖情況在過去數年均有上升趨勢, 而男童肥胖情況亦高於女童。九六年度的學童肥胖比率僅為百分之十一點八。而上學年參加健康服務的三十一萬多名學童中,就有四萬二千人出現肥胖的情況,比率高達一成三,而05/06學年截至四月為止,肥胖學童的比率已增至一成四。


please translate the above passage into English. Thz!!

回答 (3)

2007-05-04 9:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
衛生署數字顯示,學童肥胖情況在過去數年均有上升趨勢, 而男童肥胖情況亦高於女童。

The data from the Department of Health has demonstrated that, the schoolchildren obese situation had the trend of escalation in the past few years, and the situation for boys is more serious than that of girls.


In 1996, schoolchildren obese ratio is only 11.8%. Among the three hundered and ten thousand schoolchildren participated in the health service, forty two thousand of them have the obese situation, the ratio reaches as high as 13%. For academic year of 05/06, this ratio has been increased to 14%.


Only approximately 10% of the snack brought to the school by the primary school students is healthy food.


This investigation has visited 44 primary schools, more than 9,00 students and 9,000 guardians. Our result showed that, for those food offered by the food selling machine or from the school's snack booth, only approximately 10% of them are healthy food.


If the primary students are asked to choose 1 of the 2 food from the same category, 90% of them can distinguish which of them is more beneficial, but only 40% of them will select the healthier food.


Department of Helath stated that the record from the student health service shown that the number of schoolchildren facing obese situation has a trend of escalation, the ratio has been increased from 16.4% in 1997/98 to 18.7% in 2004/05, which reflected that obese poses a serious threat to the children.


Although they has the certain knowledge about healthy diet, but very little of them can put it in practice.

2007-05-04 01:31:49 補充:
Although they has the certain-> Although they have certain
2007-05-05 12:48 am
2007-05-04 10:55 pm
The health bureau numeral demonstrated that, the schoolchild obesesituation had the trend of escalation in the past number yearlyaverage, but the boy obese situation also was higher than the girl. 96year schoolchild obese ratios are only 11.8%. But on school yearparticipation health service 31 Wan Toming in the schoolchild, havefour ten thousand 2,000 people to have the obese situation, the ratioreaches as high as a tenth three, but 05,/06 school year up to Aprilup to, the obese schoolchild's ratio increased to a tenth four. Now the elementary student bring back to the school the snack,approximately 10% is only healthy food. This time investigation visits44 elementary schools, exceed 9,,000 students and 9,,000 guardians.The investigation result showed that, or food selling machine sells infood as for the school snack department, also only has approximately10% is healthy food. If the elementary student may wilfully elect totwo kind of similar foods its one, 90% receives visits the schoolchildto be able to distinguish food is whether beneficial, only some 40%schoolchild select healthier food. The health bureau expression, thestudent health service records the obese elementary student number tohave the trend of escalation, the obese elementary student ratio by1.997/98 million year 16.4% rises to 2.004/05 million year 18.7%,reflected obese poses the serious threat to the child, although theschoolchild mostly to what has the certain cognition for the healthydiet, actually very little can put to the implementation.

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