有冇人有rich dad,poor dad既bookreport

2007-05-04 8:36 am
我想要英文既 最好有埋內容同感想

回答 (2)

2007-05-04 9:11 am
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Rich Dad Poor Dad has been around long enough now so that everyone should know it's the true story of Robert Kiyosaki's 2 fathers; one rich, one poor and how Kiyosaki developed financial literacy.
This book will tell you some things that you don't want to hear like a house is not an asset. That financial literacy is different from educational literacy. That your income is not your wealth. Investors are different from savers and so on.
Easy to understand why some people fail to understand the concepts taught by Robert Kiyosaki.
The real question is: How are doing financially? I mean really?
You can live in a big house, have 3 cars, a nice job and a big income, but if you are living on 125% of your income, you are still a poor person.
It's cash flow that determines your wealth. If you spend all you make, plus some, you are in a negative cash flow.
As Kiyosaki explains, "assets feed you, liabilites bleed you." Too many people have too many liabilities and too few assets.
Unfortunately, some people feel this is normal because everyone else does it as well. ENT!
401 (k) plans are savings plans according to Kiyosaki and nothing wrong with that as long as you understand that you have a savings plan. Never call these programs investments. Unfortunately, most people do. Investers get in and get out and understand the risk. Investors also make money whether the market goes up or goes down.
Savers since March 2000 look at their 401 (k), mutual fund statements, brokerage accounts which they mispronounce "investments" and all they see is red. Typical "Poor Dad" mentality.
Kiyosaki also enlightens on income vs expence ratio. The role that taxes plays on slowing wealth accumulation. "It's not what you make, it's what you keep" says Kiyosaki.
Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches you to act like, be like and think like a Rich person instead of a poor person.
13 years ago was the first time I recieved training from a truly rich person. This guys net worth was in excess of 1/4 of a billion dollars. I had the gall to tell this guy that his advice was interesting but my concern was that it did not coincide with with I had been taught by parents, relatives and other family members (Poor Dad mentality).
This man was kind, smiled and asked me politely and seriously; "How many of those people who taught you were rich?"
Good question and I got it right away. The fact is, no one in my family was rich. There were sincere and meant well, but not rich. This guy was. I wanted wealth, not just security.
Robert Kiyosaki is offering the same advice. If you want to be rich, listen to a rich person.
Rich Dad Poor Dad is a excellent book to get you started on the road to wealth. I highly recommend it.
2009-01-05 3:07 am
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