
2007-05-04 7:22 am
我o岩o岩中七畢業, 去左三聯見工, 佢打電話唻叫我去佢總行面試, 我真係唔知著咩衫去好.
我未著過suit之類既衫, 又唔識襯會著到好老.....著t-shirt 牛仔褲會唔會太求其?

回答 (4)

2007-05-04 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
my suggestion:
always wear suit when going to an interview, it shows that you are serious about this interview
NEVER wear t-shirt 牛仔褲, you are not shopping at 三聯, you are going to an interview!!!! and make sure you have a copy of your resume with you.
hope this will help you~~
if you want some more info...
add me on MSN: [email protected]
tell me that you want more info on interview...
參考: me (just went to 3 interview in USA!!
2007-05-04 8:12 am
Casual wear just ok
2007-05-04 7:31 am

2007-05-04 7:25 am
可以不用著的好老,但也不能穿牛仔褲,不是求其問題,而是任何一個行業都會喜歡你穿 這個去見工的.

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