
2007-05-04 6:40 am
我唔記得洗一日頭既話我個頭就好似濕濕地 咁樣我d頭髮係唔係油性髮質
所以我每日都洗頭 但我呀媽話每日都洗頭遲d我會頭痛??到低係唔係真

回答 (3)

2007-05-19 9:05 pm
How comes daily cleansing of the hair no good?! Never heard that! Will lead to a damage of the hair skin? If u wash the way so rude, no matter two days once (your advice) or one week once cleansing will also hurt u!
Other reply fm Modi is much more precise.
2007-05-07 6:59 am

洗頭後,長期保持頭髮濕漉漉是不對的,因為水份蒸發時,會帶走頭部的熱,令頭部著涼的話,便會引致頭部脆弱的大腦皮層收縮, 引起頭痛.尤其是冬天.

2007-05-04 6:47 am
i have the same experience with you too.
When I have my haircut, the guy who cut my hair adviced me to buy a more suitable shampoo for washing hair, don't use lubricate lotion, it may increase the oil.
You can have suggestions from skin doctor or go to ask the people in salon.

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