中 翻釋 英

2007-05-04 6:31 am
( 過去式)不要用太深字

一定要文化對 用簡單句子表達


講到最精彩部份當然就是Animated films 呢部份.因為我本身都好喜歡睇動話片,在呢部份中好仔細的講有動話片的發展歷史.特別是Disney,相信大家都有睇過Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse,佢地d攪笑對白不但令細路發笑,連大人都會被深深吸引住. Disney的各種卡通也為香港人帶來不少歡笑..


回答 (3)

2007-05-05 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I believe happiness is important for everyone. How can one be happy?
This book is about laughter. It talks about how little things in life brings us happiness. Gradually, people create funny stories out of their life experiences. These stories are made into comics and films, bringing us laughters.

The best part of the book is the section on Animated films, because I love animated films. Details are given on the development of animated films, especially on Disney. I think you have seen Donald Duck and Micky Mouse. Their funny conversations not only make kids laugh, but only attract adults. Disney's animated films have brought lots to joys to Hong Kong people.

Looking at the book's name, one feels tempted to read it. As this book is about laughter, I believe laughter is a great medicine for sadness. In foreign countries, there is a kind of Yoga based on laughter. It has become a popular exercise for elderly people. If we can learn more about laughter, then it will be easier for us to feel happy. This is the reason why I choose this book.

參考: me
2016-09-26 1:17 pm
2007-05-04 6:39 am


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