
2007-05-04 5:38 am
例:She is very kind.


回答 (3)

2007-05-04 9:25 pm
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xxxxx,who is my best friend, always plays with me. Her characters (性格)and hobbies(興趣) is prevalent (相同)to me. I think being a best friend's quality is care all friends, be nice and chatty.

2007-05-04 18:17:41 補充:
2007-05-06 7:38 am
Dorothy is my best friend. Not only we have a lot in common , like we both love swimming and singing, but also she is understanding and thoughtful. One time I was late for her birthday party, she did not scold me but asked me if I was thirsty and tired rushing there. She is very nice.
2007-05-04 7:27 am
My best friend is ______(Name).
She is my best friend because she cares me a lot.
She cuddles me when I'm sad.
She consolations me when I'm mad.
She is the nicest girl in the world.
I wish she can be my best friend forever and ever.

因爲字數有限,所以求其作左篇 :)
hope you won't mind.
參考: myself ;)

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