ENG ...

2007-05-04 4:47 am

依4 個既長寫係咩 ?!

回答 (3)

2007-05-04 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
P.S. - Postscript, a message appended to a letter after the writer's signature, you can call it as postscript or letter or missive or annotation or notation or note

CEO - A Chief Executive Officer or Chief Executive, is the highest-ranking corporate officer, administrator, corporate administrator, executive, or executive officer, in charge of total management of a corporation, company, organization or agency.

M.C. - (often spelled emcee) of a comedy show is the host of the evening’s events, charged with a variety of responsibilities. These typically include making announcements, introducing the other comedians of the evening, and interacting with the crowd for such events as birthdays, anniversaries, and other parties.

2007-05-03 21:08:17 補充:
MC stands for Master of Ceremonies also sometimes called a compere or an MJ for "microphone jockey"

2007-05-03 21:08:46 補充:
MC is the host of an official public or private staged event or other performance. The MC usually presents performers, speaks to audience and generally keeps the event moving. The MC sometimes also acts as the protocol officer during an official state function.

2007-05-03 21:10:36 補充:
i.e. is an abbreviation for Latin "id est" meaning "that is" or "in other words"
2007-05-04 5:06 am
1.i.e:id est
2.P.S:passenger steamer
3.CEO:chief executive officer
4.MC:master of ceremonies
2007-05-04 5:01 am

1) i.e. = id est (拉丁文) 解: 即 / 換言之
2) P.S. = post scriptum (拉丁文) 解: 附言 / 附註
3) C.E.O. = Chief Executive Officer 解: 首席執行官
4) M.C = (這個有比較多的解釋)
(a) Multiple Choice 解: 多項選擇
(b) Master of ceremonies 解: 司儀 / 典禮官
(c) Master of Classics 解: 古典文學碩士
參考: Yahoo! 字典 及自己

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