
2007-05-04 4:27 am
來寫一篇(grasshopper life cycle)(草蜢)生長過程的文,要純正英文,回答得詳細、文筆精簡者,有機會獲得30分!!

回答 (4)

2007-05-04 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Grasshoppers have three main stages of growth. The grasshopper first begins its life cycle as an egg. After hatching, the young insect is called a nymph. A nymph is like a tiny adult, but it does not have wings. The nymph then becomes an adult insect when it has wings and can fly. Finally the adult female grasshopper can lay eggs and the cycle begins all over again.

2007-05-03 20:54:40 補充:
go to http://www.sdvc.uwyo.edu/grasshopper/ghlcycle.htm and http://ces.uwyo.edu/PUBS/B1171_poster.pdf for more info...
2008-05-08 6:26 am
2008-04-23 1:42 am
very good!!!
2007-05-08 12:47 am
very good

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