runescape runescape頭都爆!!!

2007-05-04 4:23 am
各位,最近有2個人問我做唔做mem(他們幫我比錢),仲問我o既password,我告左他們asking for personal details。但係他們繼續話我唔比password就唔可以幫我做mem同幫我比做mem o既會員費,我又好想免費做mem,但係我怕他們偷乜,就算我有bank pin可以將o的乜放入去bank...我都係唔放心,到底信唔信他們?

回答 (13)

2007-05-08 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 佢地兩個人一定係 hacker + scammer, jagex 永遠同各會員講, 不論你是否付款會員或非付款會員, 都不要告訴你既 personal details and password 比人架啦

2. 呢一個世界上係唔會有免費餐食的, 又想玩 member 又唔比錢, 我睇好難, 便宜莫貪, 想做 member 自己食少 d 零食買少 d 野, 儲番百幾蚊係 summer holiday 做 3個月 membership 大約百幾蚊到唧
2007-05-12 6:22 am
Of course you don't trust them, they are scamming you! Other people will never help you to pay for members. Those people just want your things in your account, so don't give them your pssword, and NEVER! If they add you as a friend, put them in the ignore list so that they don't know that you have logged in. Just report them and ignore them. Hope you don't be scamed again.

Tell you what will happen if you give them your password:

First, they will not help you pay for being a member in Runescape. Second, they will maybe change your password immediently and not give you back your acccount. And third, although you have a Bank Pin, they will maybe change the Pin and get your things inside your bank.

They are just nooby guys in Runescape who wants to steal other peoples things and not earning them by themselves. Never give your password to anyone, this is for your own good. And if you do, well, you will get into really big trouble.

Good Luck in Runescape!
2007-05-06 11:39 pm
dont belive them.if u want to be mem,u can pay yourself!
2007-05-05 10:58 pm
u could try,but u need to set some recovery questions in your account first.then if they hack your user,u can get it back by lost password!

2007-05-05 15:07:41 補充:
set a pin number and put your stuff inside too!99.9%not real!i am a member i suggest u have:all non-member levels34 and combat lvl.55 at least.and do all the non-member quest first.u can raise faster by the guilds in

2007-05-05 15:09:33 補充:
to do a member and u need to report them10 times then they will be banned!
參考: xtream007
2007-05-05 12:56 am
參考: 自己
2007-05-05 12:22 am
Don't believe them. Runescape game is usually played by the American and the English. I have a good friend in runescape is an English. They go to school at 4:30 pm which we ( Hong Kong people) just go back home from school. they have many friends and computers. I have a freind like this. Two computers in a house. They will just take your account and become a member of runescape then they will change your password and take all your things so be careful . if you have question, add me in runescape

My user: aricaching1 (43 lv)
參考: Runescape
2007-05-04 1:31 pm
Don't trust them.
They just want your account.
You should report them as scaming password and put them to your iglonsed list.

Beside, why would someone pay someone for free member for no reason.
Also, one of my friend said that you could delete your own bank pin, so if they are on your account, they might be able to delete your bank pin.

P.S. I am not sure about the bank pin.

2007-05-06 22:11:47 補充:
They ask you for your personal details maybe because they want to hack you!!!!They might ask you the recovery questions!!! Don't tell them! Just put them in the bad list so they won't see you log in. Hope I can help you.
參考: me,,
2007-05-04 6:31 am
佢地信唔過,古語有云:「便宜莫貪」,點會有咁大塊金俾你你地下攞呀!就算你有bank pin護着個戶口,佢地都一定有黑客程式check到你bank pin la!(如原子檔),所以不好咁貪呀!想做嘅,同父母商量玩1年la!而家就做過大反擊!招集義勇軍到varrok wilderness 殺過片甲不留!
my account:riccoszeto(call me if you want kill them)

lvl at least 65
Have full rune armor
At least have 500k in your account
Finish all the non-member quest
Have a good friend in runescape
And the lvl:fishing at least 40 lvl,cooking at least 50lvl,mining at least 41lv and prayer lvl at least can use the 'melee prodectation'
The last things is read the member world map carefully

Have fun in runescape!!!
2007-05-04 4:32 am
不要告訴password給他們. 因為這些人家裹一定有好幾部電腦, 他們會挖空你的account的, 不要太過相信美國佬呀!
2007-05-04 4:29 am
I got scam before!!! Don't trust them!!!!!!!! They juz want ur password and steal things!!!!
參考: My EXP

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