
2007-05-04 4:19 am
1.The progress of the new computer system is in smooth migration and it is expected to complete early the following month.

2.The Sales Department reported that the last month’s sales were $3 million and the forecast sales of the following month would more than $3.5 million.


仲有,第一句個smooth migration點解?前面係咪要有preposition架?

回答 (4)

2007-05-04 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The progress of the new computer system is in smooth migration and it is expected to BE COMPLETED early the following month.

2. The Sales Department reported that the last month's sales were $3 million and the forecast sales of the following month would BE more than $3.5 million.

migration 係呢度有「進度」既意思。
參考: ME!~ 唔好copy!
2007-05-04 10:44 pm
1.1 如上述be completed
1.2 following month 指某一個已提及的月份,之後的一個月, 故多用於REPORTED SPEECH,可改用The next month, 不過現在已多被(港人)通用.
1.3 earlier, early 指月初, 我猜測文意是指提早,故用earlier.

1.The progress of the new computer system is in smooth migration. It is expected to be completed earlier in the following(next?) month.

2.1 's 似乎比較少用於公文, sales last month
2.2 missing verb to be

2.The Sales Department reported that the sales last month were $3 million and the forecast sales the following(next?) month to be more than $3.5 million.

2007-05-04 14:46:36 補充:
2.The Sales Department reported that the sales last month were $3 million and the forecast sales the following(next?) month would be more than $3.5 million.
2007-05-04 8:07 pm
1.........................and it is expected to be completed early next month.

2. According to the sales department, sales last month's sales was at $3 million. The forecasted sales next month will be over $3.5 million.
2007-05-04 4:24 am
順利的遷移 ,want
參考: by myself

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