Assistant Merchandiser 見工須知

2007-05-04 2:55 am
星期一要見一份 Assistant Merchandiser, 有冇人做緊呢行, 知道工作範圍會做d乜架? 同埋去面試通常會考d乜? 大家有冇貼士比我呀? 皆因我無呢方面既經驗, 而公司又比我有呢個機會, 所以想請教下各位.

回答 (1)

2007-05-04 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
i am a merchandiser in garment filed.....

when you hv interview for assistant merchandiser,you are better to prepare as followings:

interest on fashion /garment filed
-you MUST show yr interest of garment filed,let the interviewer know that at least you hv interest on it.because of you like this job,you will not feel bored & will do yr best!

working experience
-if u do not hv this kind of experience,you should write the empolyment history (that job should be worked for at least a year),otherwise,the company will feel so worry if the applicant's pass working history is not stable!

writing a email to buyer
-usually the company will set some situtaion to the applicant in order to know their ability for slove problem,such as :

i)factory can't delivery the goods on time,write a email to buyer to ask for extention
-use the polite & positive manner to ask for extention

ii)buyer complaint the quality of goods,write a email to reply the complaint letter
-use the polite manner to explain & let the buyer claim down

iii)write a quotation to buyer (with some pricing details )
you must clear mention:
-the term of payment(such as FOB Hong Kong,CIF Hong Kong)
-currency(such as USD$/HK$)
-delivery date

routine work flow
-you should know more what is assistant merchandiser 's job duties,mainly supporting help to merchandiser / senior merchandiser,such as send the sample/advise sending details to buyer/measure the size fm the sample/reply email to factory.....

important reminder
-you should show yr smart / quick decision / responsibly/don't mind spend personal time to finish your job/willing to learn

hope you will WIN in Monday's interview!!
參考: i am garment merchandiser ,just want to share my experience with you!!

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