
2007-05-04 2:34 am
我想問during the earthquake,我們會看到d咩??要一些文章(english)

其實是問在地震時,會見到d咩?? 請用英文回答!!

回答 (2)

2007-05-04 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
If we are at indoors, we'll see furniture moving, or even fall down. Things on tables will drop onto the floor. Hanging objects will swing. etc.

If we are at outdoors, we'll see people scaring faces. People will rush to somewhere they think safe. They will face upward, worrying about that objects may fall from height. etc.
2007-05-04 4:16 am
We will see huge fire balls , see some buildings sink quickly under the earth , see buildings falling off , see things alter, like lamp post become cuel........
參考: Tong Shan

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