EXAM!!HELP!! Differences between Anthropology n Ethnography?

2007-05-04 12:56 am
What are the differences between Anthropology and Ethnography?

I got so confused about them since according to the dictionary, they are both studies on human races and cultures!!!!!

Would someone kindly tell me their differences plz? it's for my exam next Tues!!!

Many Thanks!!!!!

回答 (1)

2007-05-04 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Anthropology (人類學)
is the study of the physical and social characteristics of humanity through the examination of historical and present geopraphical distribution. e.g. archaeology, biological and primatology.
Ethnography (人種誌)
is the genre of writing that presents varying degrees of quantitative and qualitative of human social phenomena, based on fieldwork. e.g. cultural and soical anthropology.

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