please help to translate them in english

2007-05-04 12:46 am
1. 這是在記者會上的祝酒儀式

2. A & B 在紅館內合照留影

3. Mr.A 和眾主辦商一起進行切蛋糕儀式

回答 (2)

2007-05-04 12:57 am
1. This is the toasting session in the press conference

2. A&B took this picture in the Hong Kong Coliseum

3. Mr. A is holding the cake cutting session together with all the sponsors (presenters/organisations)
2007-05-04 12:55 am
1.)This is the greeting ceremony in the press conference.
2.)A&B is taking photos inside the Hung Ham Stadium.
3.)Mr.A and the hosting organisation are performing the cake cutting ceremony.
參考: Longman Translation Dictionary

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