Microsoft ScanDisk

2007-05-03 7:15 pm
Microsoft ScanDisk
Microsoft ScanDisk
Because windows was not properly shut down,one or more of your disk drive may have errors on it .
To avoid seeing this message again , always shut down your companter by selecting shut down from the start menu.
SecanDisk is now checking drive c for errors:
ScanDisk detected an invalid long filename entry on this drive but was unable to fix it .
To fix this problem , run Scandisk for Windows


回答 (2)

2007-05-03 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你因為有一次沒有依正常方式關機,令電腦在重新開機後自動執行了 Scandisk 來檢查硬碟,同時它也發現了一些小問題 an invalid long filename entry on this drive 只是不能修正而已。它建議你進入 Windows 後使用 Windows Scandisk(磁碟掃瞄工具)來解決此問題。
Windows Scandisk 的位置應該在
Start -> Program Files -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scandisk
或者在 Run 中打 Scandiskw.exe 也可以
問題修復以後,用正常的方法關機(用 Start 內的 Shut Down)便可避免再出現以上問題。
2007-05-03 7:28 pm
之前冇正常關機, 可能有d file corrupt..左..
如果scandisk 完又冇乜事, 開機又冇乜問題就可以唔理佢.

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