
2007-05-03 6:59 pm
今日問過,國泰直航法國要7450元一張加機場稅,請問價錢合理嗎?(如果差唔多費事再週圍格價了,因為都好似好full下,想快D confirm)


1. 我是問歐陸旅運的,請問呢間信得過嗎?

2. 佢叫我三日內落訂,五月尾前比晒全數,係咪一般都係咁做?

3. 請問我落訂後同比晒全數後要有咩documents比番我先0岩?文件上有咩要留意?如何才知機票是正式confirm有位?

4. 我總共問左兩間旅行社,因為兩間都未覆到我想要的回程日子有冇位,所以兩間都做左個booking同waiting諗住三日內決定,兩間都係做國泰hold位的,請問同一時間向同一間airline hold位會唔會有問題?

5. 如果我法國入,但由德國返香港,請問一般駛唔駛另外加錢?


回答 (2)

2007-05-03 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
暑假機票 promotion一早已經做晒了... 所以價錢較高都合理. 而且你仲選擇最貴的國泰, 當然係更貴啦

歐陸旅運係香港咁耐, 仲出埋旅遊書, 信得過
旅行社正常手續都係先收訂金, 出票前收埋餘款. 假如機票附帶條款為機票必需於 5 月 31 日前出票, 旅行社當然也會要求你這樣做. 正常
落訂後攞返收據, 證明你真係比左錢. 比晒全數後一樣要取回收據, 同埋機票, 如果係 e-ticket, 都要佢唔個 itinerary 你揸手
其實沒有問題, 因為航空公司唔可以排除同一航班有 2 個陳大文 waiting 的.
這是航空公司機票條款問題, 每張機票情況不同. 需向旅行社查詢
2007-05-06 2:20 pm
If direct flight taht will be fair price for 7450 in summer time, but I pefer singapore airline via singapore, they got the biggest site for the economy flights from SINAPORE to PARIS routes, much better services than CX fighlt, and the price is much cheaper than CX flights.

1. Is ok ar
2. no ...beacuse pay full payment to confrim ur tecket directly taht is i always will do.
3. IF i am you, i will pay full payment directly and get the electronic tricket from them and then u must have the confrom number from ur electronic tricket, phone directly to airline, ask them ur booking no is it present
4. not a problem at all
5. normally CX will charge about $1000 to change the return deapture and anyway still need depend ur flights tricket is it available to change the different loaction.
But if u want to fly from Pairs and return loaction from Germany, i suggest u get Emiartes Airline, baecuse they got mostly flights from they Europe and they must cheaper than CX and SQ airline, and they always allows u departs from different loaction(No surcharge) and Emiartes is the third best in the worlds from 2007. and they got two flights daily from Hong Kong to DUbai, evening flights arrive in the morning

Emiartes Airline web-site: www.emirates.com click the booking and u will knwo the trocket price

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