Benz ......10 marks

2007-05-03 6:31 pm
Benz,what is AMG and designo?

回答 (5)

2007-05-04 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
AMG 之前係一間獨立嘅改裝商, 專門改Mercedes Benz. 後來Benz見AMG品牌做得成功, 而且雙方造車理念一致加上廠房相距不遠, 所以Mercedes 就將AMG收購, 成為自家嘅Motorsports 開發部門, 負責廠隊賽車同埋兼顧特別版街車.

通常如果有D model 係有sports package, 只係用AMG 包圍or 合金輪圈的話, 就會喺番原廠裝晒成架車. 但如果係AMG model, 用AMG engine (e.g., AMG C55, C63, E55, E63, CLK 55, 63, SL 55, 65), 就有兩個做法. 首先AMG 嘅技師會人手裝好副Engine, 喺上面加埋自己name tag (they are very proud of their profession). 跟住就睇吓咩model. 可以係由Benz 廠成架車ship 去AMG 做final assembly, 又或者係AMG ship the engine to the Benz plant (好似 ML63 and R63, 因為廠房喺美國 Alabama).

Designo 係Mercedes Benz 另一個部門, 做customize 個款嘅(both interior and exterior, but mainly interior). 譬如你想入面用紫色"驚"皮, 加D咩特別option, 外面噴橙色嘅話, 就會交由Designo 負責. Designo亦都會做D special edition, 用特別D嘅interoir 材料, 賣貴D架車.

總括黎講, AMG 係做性能方面, Designo 做design 方面

2007-05-04 06:03:55 補充:
應該話Designo 係做customize/tailor made design, 每個客一個case.
參考: 自己之前睇書知道嘅, 唔係求其上網copy and paste比你 :)
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2007-05-06 9:00 am



Mercedes-AMG is the tuning arm of the Mercedes-Benz car company. Mercedes-Benz acquired AMG in 1999. Production climbed from 500 cars a year to 20,000 AMG vehicles in 2005 (half of which were delivered to the United States).
AMG or Aufrecht Melcher Großaspach was founded in 1967 as AMG Motorenbau und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (AMG Engine Production and Development, Ltd.) by former Mercedes engineers Hans-Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in a town near Stuttgart called Großaspach.
"AMG" is an acronym that stands for: Hans Werner Aufrecht (A) and Eberhard Melcher (M) were partners, while Aufrecht’s birthplace of Großaspach (G) supplied the third letter in the company name.
AMG started off by designing and testing racing engines. They expanded their business into building bespoke road cars, based upon standard Mercedes cars.
By the early 1980s, AMG had moved to nearby located in Affalterbach under the sole ownership of Aufrecht. Erhard Melcher stayed at the second location, a former mill in Burgstall, to deliver engine parts.
Mainly for the modern Mercedes-Benz W126 and Mercedes-Benz W201 models, AMG was producing a range of unofficial upgrade and accessories packages, although there were no official tie-ups until the mid '80s, when AMG started to supply the company with aftermarket alloy wheels and styling products.
To take advantage of the DTM race successes, official AMG-Mercedes models were developed in the 1990s. Since the Mercedes-Benz takeover, AMG sales have risen over 500%.
AMG also provides safety cars for the FIA Formula 1 World Championship.
參考: AMG
2007-05-04 2:02 am
Mercedes-benz AMG:
Mercedes-AMG is the tuning arm of the Mercedes-Benz car company. Mercedes-Benz acquired AMG in 1999. Production climbed from 500 cars a year to 20,000 AMG vehicles in 2005 (half of which were delivered to the United States).

AMG or Aufrecht Melcher Großaspach was founded in 1967 as AMG Motorenbau und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (AMG Engine Production and Development, Ltd.) by former Mercedes engineers Hans-Werner Aufrecht and Erhard Melcher in a town near Stuttgart called Großaspach.

"AMG" is an acronym that stands for: Hans Werner Aufrecht (A) and Eberhard Melcher (M) were partners, while Aufrecht’s birthplace of Großaspach (G) supplied the third letter in the company name.

2007-05-03 18:04:21 補充:
Merecedes-benz designo:With designo, it takes just a few carefully chosen ingredients to turn your Mercedes-Benz into an individual work of art.

2007-05-03 18:04:35 補充:
The combination of our extensive range, your personal tastes and the naturally varying appearance of our materials makes every designo creation a true one-off.

2007-05-03 18:04:53 補充:
Exclusive colours, exquisite materials The designo options for your Mercedes-Benz include fine wood or stone trim, sumptuous leather upholstery and stunning exterior colours, all of which can be used to create individual highlights or combined to form a harmonious whole.
參考: my car knowledge
2007-05-03 6:54 pm
CLK designo by Giorgio Armani”。該車由義大利時裝設計大師喬治·阿瑪尼(Giorgio Armani)以“CLK 500”為原型進行內外裝設計,曾在2003年秋季舉行的米蘭時裝展上發表。限量生產、銷售100輛。

AMG公司是一家聞名於世的Mercedes-Benz汽車改裝廠商。AMG總是能夠提升M-Benz汽車的引擎最大馬力和扭力,AMG Engine 係經過特別改裝, 通普通Mercedes-Benz Engine 唔同.

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