✔ 最佳答案
SAP is more than just a software that handles logistics. SAP is a Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that originally started with MRP, and then extend to other function modules based on other activities in a corporation like Financial and Accounting, Sales and Distribution, Warehouse Management, HR, Demand/Supply Forecast, Report generation, Customer/Supplier Relationship Management, etc. It's a top tier ERP company.
SAP's major competitor is Oracle. PeopleSoft used to be another big player in the industry before Oracle bought the company. J.D. Edwards was another one (acquired by PeopleSoft)
For Demand and Supply Planning, JDA/Manugistics is another software you can consider.
Depends on how large an organization is, for medium or smaller scale, Microsoft Dynamics offer some software packages that can be customized to fit the organization's need. Microsoft acquired some good software companies like Navision and Great Plains to start from there.
If you are computer savvy and don't want to pay too much for professional implementation, Quickbooks and Peachtree also offer some very good off-the-shelve products ready to run the business.
2007-05-10 11:21:59 補充:
SAP同其他企業資源計劃系統一樣, 唔係剩係處理物流. SAP係由製造資源計劃開始引伸出去, 開發公司其它作業流程嘅系統, 好似會計/財政, 銷售同配給, 貨倉管理, 人力資源管理, 供求預算等等, 再將所有系統配套連埋一齊, 形成公司所有部門嘅資訊都可以互動.SAP主要對手係Oracle(甲骨文). PeopleSoft之前都係Top Tier ERP市場佔一大席位, 但最後都被Oracle敵意收購. 老一趟嘅J.D. Edwards而家都好多公司用緊 (J.D. Edwards被PeopleSoft收購).
2007-05-10 11:26:36 補充:
如果係專攻需求管理/預算嘅話, JDA/Manugistics 係唔錯嘅選擇. 中小企唔一定要用到Top Tier ERP的話, Microsoft Dynamics 旗下有幾套軟件都唔錯. Microsoft係收購咗幾間優秀公司如Navision 同Great Plain再重新包裝個銷售形式細公司自己有IT人員的話, 又唔想花太多錢比人做, Quickbooks同Peachtree呢D可以喺電腦中心自己買到嘅營商軟件都係唔錯嘅選擇