"唔好咁啦"ge 英文係乜?

2007-05-03 9:17 am
如題.."唔好咁啦"GE 英文係乜?
同埋"我仲未習慣"GE 英文係乜?


我想問don't be that 得唔得ga?有冇呢句野ga?

回答 (13)

2007-05-03 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 唔好咁啦 → [Please,] don't be like that.
2. 我仲未習慣 → I'm not accustomed to it yet // I'm not into that habit yet // I'm not getting use to do it yet // I'm not into it yet // I'm not completely into it yet // ...
參考: 希望可幫到你啦﹗Enjoy of your day! ^-^
2007-05-13 9:32 am
我都係譯做:don't be like that!
2007-05-04 12:32 am
2007-05-03 8:04 pm
"唔好咁啦"ge 英文係乜?

Please stop doing that!

2007-05-03 12:06:08 補充:
"我仲未習慣"I am not getting use to it yet.
參考: SELF
2007-05-03 5:40 pm
You can't do that.That not good!
參考: myself
2007-05-03 11:46 am
"唔好咁啦" - Don't be like that.
"我仲未習慣" - I am not used to it yet.
2007-05-03 11:11 am
don't do that, don't be like that, com'on, cheer up

I am not use to it yet, not quite comfort with it,
2007-05-03 10:51 am
please don't do that!..
2007-05-03 9:47 am
Please don't that!

I have not used to ....... yet

2007-05-03 01:48:41 補充:
Please don't do it!I have not used to it yet.
2007-05-03 9:43 am
Please don't be like that
I don't get use to it
參考: me 係英國 *.*
2007-05-03 9:29 am
Don't do that!
I still not be used to it.
參考: me
2007-05-03 9:26 am
唔好咁啦 - "it's ok, dun be like that"
我仲未習慣 - "i am not used to that yet."
參考: Myself.
2007-05-03 9:26 am
don't do that!..
i had not already get a habit !
參考: singapore 的friend

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