functional and cross-functional structure effect Logistics?

2007-05-03 9:15 am
How does the functional and cross-functional structure within an organization effect the management of Logistics?

回答 (1)

2007-05-03 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I guess:
I) Shape of the supply chain
supply chain may changes from linear and sequential to becomes multi-dimentional, network and metrics structure.

2) Stronger reliance on Information system/co-ordination
As the flow of information/goods becomes multi-dimentional, there is pressure on building a stronger protocol for information exchange, so that flow of information, goods and money becomes transparent and managable.

3) Forecasting and planing model needed
Traditional mathematical may not be able to model the behavior of a network of logics chain.

2007-05-05 04:45:04 補充:
But let me clarify, the other user is not mine, the other one is just copying my answer!!!

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