Does this irritate anyone else? (pregnancy vent)?

2007-05-02 5:51 pm
Ha ha.....I'm 30 weeks pregnant. And nothing irritates me more then when I'm walking into a grocery store, or into some place and I smell a huge whiff of cigarette smoke from the people standing outside smoking their cigarettes. I don't like inhaling it for one, because I'm pregnant and second hand smoke is bad, regardless. And number two, because I don't want that stuff going in my lungs when I choose not to smoke it. Does this make anyone else mad? It's getting to the point where I hold my breath when walking into a store if I see tons of people smoking and have to walk through their smoke. Sorry! I'm just irritated cause this just happened to me walking into my work building and I'm so irritated now!!

(Thanks for all that listened to this venting of mine)....ssiiigggh....I feel better.

Does walking through the second hand smoke hurt my baby?

回答 (25)

2007-05-02 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Use another door. Smokers have rights too!
2007-05-02 5:58 pm
Well i am a smoker but a very curteous one. I usually stand by my car to have one (i refuse to smoke in my car or house because of my son). I agree with you one hundred percent. You shouldnt have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get into the store you want. But unfortunatley thats where the ashtrays are located (location location location my left foot). I am sorry that smokers are causing you a hassel. If you inhale small amounts of second hand they will not cause your baby any significant harm such as low birth weight or asthma.

Perhaps you could talk to the store managers about moving the ashtrays to an out of the way location? Congrats and good luck!
參考: 20 weeks with # 3
2007-05-02 6:00 pm
I hate how people cant smoke in a public place such as a restaurant or grocery store but they are allowed to smoke right outside the doors to these places!! HELLO! I am 37 weeks and people will just like up or start talking to me with a cig in their chubby little yellow stained fingernails like no big deal. Lately, if I find a particular situation needs brought attention to such as smoking outside of a supermarket door, I will cough and give them a back look or do the the obvious when they look at you, cover your mouth with a hanky or tissue. People are just rude about smoking and it should be posted, like hospitals do, 500 plus feet away from the doors.
2007-05-02 6:00 pm
Honey you have every right to be angry that's why alot of places have designated smoking areas and some idiots still insist on smoking right in front of the entrance if I where you i would start a boycott and maybe get some people in your town who feel the same way to start a petition
2007-05-02 5:58 pm
well i used to smoke so it doesn't irrate me to the extent it does you b/c i will never be able to control others smoking habits. but what does irritate me is that since i've became pregnant and qiut smoking, i do not allow smoking in the house or my car b/c i don't want my baby breathing it in now or when she's born , anyways my fiance chain smokes and will try to sneak and smoke in the house or car like i won't notice. well i do, then i yell and we both get mad. why can't that man just listen??
參考: 34 weeks pregnant
2007-05-02 5:58 pm
I agree. People don't seem to understand that just because something is legal doesn't mean it's courteous. They have a right to smoke, but don't have the right to force anyone else to breathe that crap. It's almost as irritating to see someone finish their cigarrette and throw it on the ground instead of disposing of it properly.
Although it's probably a good idea to avoid second hand smoke, occasional exposure to it will probably not hurt your baby. Congrats!
2007-05-02 5:55 pm
No, it doesn't make me mad. I just expect it because it is in public, and no laws prohibit them. I understand your frustration though!

Yes, it can hurt your baby, but really only if you actually live in a home where you breathe it all the time.

"Pregnant women exposed to the secondhand smoke of co-workers or family members pass some of the blood-borne chemicals to their unborn babies, researchers say, though babies of smokers have much higher levels of the chemicals."
參考: This page is over 10 years old, but does show concerns for second hand smoke.
2007-05-03 5:00 am
Hope you don't mind just venting too!!!

Sorry to say this but get a life. We smokers have been pushed out of every place imaginable and then some. We seem to have no rights and have to listen to people complain cuz we're in the way, but you've taken everything away from us. If it's that bad, use another door. I'd rather smoke than live beside some factory throwing god knows what into the air.
參考: 13 weeks with #3
2007-05-02 6:02 pm
no it doesn;t really make me mad, like someone else said smokers have rights to, although the powers that be have decided that they rights of smokers are much less then the rights of others where i live. In my town it is now illegal to smoke in a bar, or within a certain number of feet of the entrance to a public place. So i guess i don;t have to deal with it to much. Besides all of that, the dangers of secondhand smoke have been inflated and the "studies" done about it are completely one sided and have been done by anti smoking groups in order to rally support for their side. Obviously smoking is not good for you, but like everything else in this grand old country nothing anyone tells you about any of it is the whole truth, its the truth as doctored by the side that stands to gain the most money from it.

Unfortunately being mad about it will do nothing for you, perfect your best dirty look and shoot it towards them anytime you have to deal with it.
2007-05-02 7:23 pm
You may want to talk to someone in H.R. at your place of employment or a manager at the store or wherever you happen to be and ask if they could possibly designate a smoking area away from the doors. I am a smoker but agree that you made the choice not to smoke and therefore should not have to breathe it!
2007-05-02 6:04 pm
Unfortunately, there's nothing to prohibit smoker from smoking. I totally under stand where you come from. When I walked with my 5-yr-old and we have have to walked through smoke, i always told her to walk faster so we inhale less second hand smoke. If it's affordable to you, I would rather choose a high-end grocery store, at least during the time of your pregnancy. My dad just pass away a couple months ago due to lung cancer and he used to be a heavy smoker. When you see what the patient in the hospital is going through, (I purposely took my daughter there.) I don't think you want to smok at all.

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