Good baby names?

2007-05-02 5:46 pm
Boy - Linden Asher

Girl - Linden Honey

Will either get made fun of? Sound too girly for a boy? Too boyish for a girl?

I wanted to pick a first name out that can be used for a boy or a girl, because I am expecting and do not want to know the sex.

回答 (29)

2007-05-02 6:05 pm
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I tell you what. I really like both names. I like different names. My son is going to be named Keller. I think Linden Honey is the sweetest thing!
2007-05-03 4:54 am
I like Linden Asher, but not crazy about Linden Honey. What about...

Linden Grace
Linden Hannah
Linden Elizabeth
Linden Starr
2007-05-03 4:13 am
It sounds to girlie for a boy, but you can still name him something that sounds like Linden like Landon Asher.

P.S. I love the name Linden Honey
2007-05-03 2:00 am
I'd go with Landen Asher for a boy and Linden Hilary for a girl
2007-05-03 1:40 am
People haven't heard of Linden?! Hello, Lyndon B. Johnson, President!

I like Linden Asher for a boy, but I'm not fond of Linden as a girl's name. Why can't you choose another girl name, it doesn't matter if you don't know your baby's sex... you can remember more than 3 names.

I like Honey... I'm usually not partial to food names, but this one's okay, mainly because it reminds me of Miss Honey from Matilda, haha...

Good luck and congrats!
2007-05-03 1:01 am
I do not like Linden for either
Honey is a food or nick nane
Linden is a german boy name, that was a surname
Here are some close boy name
Good luck, best wishes
2007-05-03 12:55 am
Does Linden has a special meaning to you? I think the boy name Linden is more appropriate. Girl.. hmmm i'm not sure.

I think I like Vicky or Alex
Boy will be Alexanda
Girl Alexandria. ;)
2007-05-03 12:52 am
I like Linden, but not Honey. I think it would work for both a boy or a girl.
2007-05-03 1:07 am
I've never seen or heard the name Linden. I like it, its unique. I think it could work for both a boy or a girl. I really like Linden Asher for a boy. I'm not too fond of the middle name Honey for a girl, but its okay. I've heard a lot worse on here. Anyway, congrats and good luck!
參考: 38 weeks pregnant with daughter Ashlynn.
2007-05-03 1:02 am
IMO Linden Asher is too girly for a boy name. I've heard the name Linden before, but only for a girl. And I just don't like any "Ash" name for boys. As for a girl, Linden is ok, I really don't like the name Honey though.

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