How early can a doctor tell your pregnant?

2007-05-02 5:42 pm
I'm 18....i'm about 3 days late on my period and i'm NEVER late for my period...I had unprotected sex about 3 weeks ago so it is def. a possibility that I am pregnant but my ques. is.....I went to the dr. today to get some tests done for kidney stones and a UTI but they did an ultrasound on me and an internal exam...but since i'm only 3 days late and they weren't specificaly looking for pregnancy would they even be able to tell yet if I am??????? I haven't gotten the results back yet...and I didn't say anything because if I did my mom would find out and I don't want anyone to know would they be able to tell?

回答 (7)

2007-05-02 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i would have thought they would have spotted it with a scan but if they were looking at your kidneys they may have missed it! a blood test would def pick it up however early! i wouldn't start worrying just yet, give i another 4 days, if you still dont come on then take a home pregnancy test! good luck!
2007-05-03 1:15 am
Go to the store and buy a test, You can tell now by a test. Also a blood test.

Good Luck
2007-05-03 12:52 am
Take a test. They can detect HCG as early as 2 weeks.
2007-05-03 12:50 am
If they weren't specifically looking for pregnancy and gave you a vaginal ultrasound(not one on your belly) there's next to no way they'd know. Besides that, even if you were pregnant it would be too early to show anything. What you should have done, and it's not too late, is tell your doctor that there's a risk you could be pregnant. If you don't tell your DR and he gives you certain antibiotics for an infection it could actually cause permanent life altering damage to a baby if you are pregnant. The DR's office can give you a blood test and rule out pregnancy even at this early before giving you any medication.
2007-05-03 12:49 am
I think with the blood test can be ealier. With the prenancy test you get in drug store is at least one month to a month an half. It's hard to see with Ultra sound. With my pregnancy they can't see anything until 2 months.
2007-05-03 12:47 am
They would be able to tell with a blood test, and they would probably see a sac in your uterus if you were pregnant.
2007-05-03 12:47 am
no an ultrasound wouldn't be able to tell if your pregnant if you are your too early in the pregnancy but a blood test would work

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