How do you pronounce croissant?

2007-05-02 1:19 pm
the authentic French way

回答 (37)

2007-05-02 1:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With your nose in the air and a heavy accent.
2007-05-02 1:24 pm
Listen to this :

(krwä-sä, kr-sänt)

Yummm!Warm with raspberry jam...
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
cruh- sahnt
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
"authentic french" way: kwa-sont (only you dont really hear the "nt" and there's no way I know of spelling it - sorry 'bout that part)
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
Cruh- sahnt
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
2016-05-19 9:38 am
I pronounce it kruh-sawnt
2007-05-04 4:02 pm
It's easier to spell it using Polish orthography, since Polish is a much more phonetic language than English =p

So if you can read Polish, here goes:
2007-05-02 4:32 pm
參考: ☺
2007-05-02 1:33 pm
crow-ah-son, read in English

(don't say the "t", the French people don't!)
參考: Speak French
2007-05-02 1:26 pm
Qua-son, fade the "n" to barely audible.
2007-05-02 1:26 pm
I pronounce it like 'kruh-sahnt'. Now I'm craving a chocolate one...those are my favorites.
2007-05-02 1:25 pm
K r- w a s on t
2007-05-02 1:25 pm
Qua-son...emphasis on the soft O...the T is silent
2007-05-02 1:24 pm
whereby both "o"s are nasal sounds, and the "a" as in after (English, not American. The "t" is almost silent.
2007-05-02 1:24 pm
"t" is silent.

khwa sung, something like that
2007-05-02 1:23 pm
crwa-sont (don't sound the t)
2007-05-02 1:23 pm
According to the dictionary the French way is krwah-sahn.
2007-05-02 1:23 pm
qui saut
2007-05-02 1:23 pm
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
cruh sahnt
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
'Craw' as in 'crawl' and 'sont' rhyming don't in a received British accent.
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
I say cwa-sonn
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
qua son
quad minus the d
son but with sa sound
參考: fluent french speaker
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
Quou sont.
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
craw sont
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
Pheneticaly its Kwasont
2007-05-02 1:22 pm
i guess

kwah saunt?
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
Cross Aunt.
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
in an easier form - say it like "crossaunt" a "cross" and your "aunt"! say it quickly and it'll sound right.
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
2007-05-02 1:21 pm
how are we supposed to talk through a fikken computer
who cares
schools for fools
2007-05-02 1:21 pm

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